Toprak TR

"People are not permanent, but institutions are."

Fehmi Yıldız

The true value of this saying is best understood by those who realize that the age of their institution is greater than their own… Every member of our family knows that for us, working is a service race. In this race, where we strive to reach the best; our common goal is to continuously advance our service quality.

Our history, dating back to the 1890s, guides every step we take, both as a responsibility on our shoulders and as a light illuminating our path. Today, with our facilities that provide added value and create employment in the lands where we were born, and with our brands that are respected and preferred on the international platform, we are a power that our country is proud of…

With our sustainable growth strategies, our sensitivity to the environment, our modern technology, and our uncompromising quality production, our goals are now much greater as we bear the responsibility of being one of Turkey’s most valuable companies.

Even though our experience, like the age of our institution, is centuries-old, our excitement and passions remain as fresh as on the first day. With our more than 5000 employees and solution partners who share this passion and possess the same excitement as we do; we continue to shape the future for you.