The composition of an ideal agricultural soil by volume is 50% solid (45% clay, silt, sand and 5% humus), 50% void (25% air and 25% water). pH between 6.5-7.5, unsalted, lime between 5-10%, organic matter between 3-6%, loamy texture, inorganic nitrogen (NH4-N + NO3-N) more than 70 mg/kg, phosphorus 8- 25 mg/kg, potassium 110-290 mg/kg, calcium 1,150-3,500 mg/kg, magnesium 160-480 mg/kg, sulfur more than 10 mg/kg, sodium less than 100 mg/kg, exchangeable sodium percentage less than 15, iron 4.5-10 mg/kg, zinc 0.7-2.4 mg/kg, manganese 14-50 mg/kg, boron 1.0-2.4 mg/kg, copper more than 0.2 mg/kg, dark colored, deep It should be permeable, warm and well-structured. There is a strong antagonistic relationship (preventing each other's uptake) between the macronutrients potassium, calcium and magnesium. In order for plants to benefit from these at the maximum level, the ideal soil Ca/K = 12, Ca/Mg = 6 and Mg/K = 2 should be in the me/100 g exchangeable cations unit. On the other hand, there is a strong antagonistic interaction between the micronutrients iron, zinc, manganese and copper, and excess of one prevents the intake of the others. Therefore, when using fertilizers containing these nutrients, action should be taken according to the results of full analysis carried out in reliable laboratories.
They have high pH (7.5-8.5), high lime (more than 15%), low organic matter (less than 2%) and heavy texture (clayey, clay loam).
It is different. Alkaline soil means soil in which cultivated plants cannot grow, whose pH is higher than 8.5, whose EC is lower than 4 mS/cm, and whose exchangeable sodium percentage is higher than 15. However, the word alkaline only refers to the soil reaction and indicates that the pH is higher than 7.0.
Large, with an aspect ratio of 2/3, for example, if the width is 200 m, the length is 300 m, flat (0-2% slope), without stones, deep (> 90 cm), with roads-drainage channels-electric lines, suitable for irrigation systems. Lands that are close to the centers, do not have high ground water levels, and do not have impermeable layers underneath are ideal.
It is small and fragmented, meaning there is an average of 55 decares of land per farmer family and it is in an average of 4-5 different places. It is sloping, shallow, stony, has an impermeable layer, there are no irrigation systems, drainage channels, power lines, and transportation is problematic.