Toprak TR
İGSAŞ 20.20.0+(15 SO3)+Zn

İGSAŞ 20.20.0+(15 SO3)+Zn


The deficiency of zinc, an essential nutrient, in a large portion of our country’s soils negatively affects human health and particularly the development of children. Scientific studies have shown that zinc-enriched compound fertilizers can increase yields by at least 25% in nearly all crops grown in zinc-deficient soils.

Category: Base Fertilizers

Fertilizer application varies depending on soil, plant, and climate conditions. We recommend seeking advice from your supplier or an agronomist after conducting soil and/or leaf analysis.

Garanti Edilen İçerikKütlece (%w/w)
Total Nitrogen (N)20
Ammonium Nitrogen (N)8
Urea Nitrogen (N)2
Neutral Ammonium Citrate and Water-Soluble Phosphorus Pentoxide (P2O5)20
Water-Soluble Phosphorus Pentoxide (P2O5)17
Water-Soluble Sulfur Trioxide (SO3)1