It is an acidic fertilizer and contains 12% nitrogen (N) and 61% phosphorus (P2O5). It is produced as a result of the reaction of ammonia and phosphoric acid. The manure is cooled, dried and sieved before storage. MAP is a fertilizer containing the highest amount of phosphorus (61% P2O5) among all phosphorus fertilizers. It is a very good fertigation (applied by drip/sprinkler irrigation) fertilizer since it dissolves completely and easily in water and does not dissolve and leave inert matter like other phosphorus fertilizers. If phosphorus needs to be given, it is a fertilizer that can be applied to the soil with water at the beginning of the development period and to the leaves with a sprayer at every period.
Foliar Application: Consult your local MAP dealer or agricultural consultant for advice based on crop development. Foliar application should be made in cool weather, preferably in the evening. Application should not be made at temperatures above 30 °C.
Application from the Base: MAP can be used in all kinds of irrigation systems such as drip, sprinkler, mini spring. The amount to be used may vary due to reasons such as climate, soil, air temperature, product type, productivity status and irrigation system differences.
The application interval and number may vary depending on the amount of MAP given at a time and the development of the product. Consult your local dealer and agricultural consultant for detailed information.
Guaranteed Content | By mass (%w/w) |
Total Nitrogen (N) | 12 |
Ammonium Nitrogen (N) | 12 |
Water Soluble Phosphate Pentaoxide (P₂O₅) | 61 |