Toprak TR
Urea Phosphate 18-44-0

Urea Phosphate 18-44-0

NP Fertilizer

It is a solid, white and crystalline compound fertilizer containing nitrogen and phosphorus. It contains 18% urea nitrogen and 44% neutral ammonium citrate and water-soluble phosphorus (P2O5). Since it is completely soluble in water, it can be applied to the soil at the beginning of the development period through irrigation systems. When applied through irrigation, it should not be mixed with calcium and magnesium fertilizers in the same tank. Since it has acidic character (pH 1.5-2.0), it also helps to open blockages in irrigation systems. It can also be applied to the leaves using a sprayer. It is generally supplied to the market in 25 kg bags.

Category: Pure Fertilizers
PlantsUsage PeriodFrom soilFrom leaf
Vegetables (Open Field)
Tomato, pepper, eggplant, beans, cucumber, melon etc.
It is used starting after planting seedlings and throughout the flowering period. It is applied to vegetables in which seeds are planted, by tying them immediately after emergence and until harvest.2 – 3 kg /da
20 - 40 g / m2
200 – 250g/
to 100 L of water
Farm plants
Onion, sugar beet, radish, potato, peanut, cotton, sesame, anise, wheat, barley, oats, paddy etc.
It is applied to the soil as a band or with irrigation. Application time starts after the plant emerges to the soil surface and is used throughout the vegetative period.2 – 5 kg /da200 – 250 g/da
In Fruit Trees
Apple, pear, quince, pomegranate, cherry, apricot, peach, almond, walnut, plum, pistachio, citrus, olive, hazelnut, etc.
It is used on the soil or on the leaves along with irrigation, starting before the trees wake up and until the fruits ripen.0-3 years 20 g/tree
4-10 years 60 g/tree
10-21 years 50-200 g/tree
200-250 g/tree over 21 years of age
200 – 250g/
to 100 L of water
TobaccoIt is applied foliar by irrigation after plant emergence in nurseries or after the seedlings are transplanted into the field.20 – 30 g / 100 m2200 – 250 g /
100 L suya
BondIt is used on the soil or on the leaves along with irrigation, starting before the vines awaken and until the fruits ripen.2 – 5 kg / da200 – 250g/
to 100 L of water
Seedlings - SaplingsIt is mixed into the mortar material. The saplings are thrown into the planting holes.150 – 200 g/ m3
15 – 20g/tree
200 – 250g/
to 100 L of water
Melon watermelonIt is used in soil or foliar irrigation during the vegetative period after planting seedlings or after plant emergence if seed planting has been done.2 – 3 kg / da200 – 250g/
to 100 L of water
BananaIt is applied with life water after planting saplings. It is applied to troughs with irrigation.100 - 200 g / stove
2 – 3 kg / decare
200 – 250g/
to 100 L of water
Guaranteed ContentBy mass (%w/w)
Total Nitrogen (N)18
Urea Nitrogen (N)18
Neutral Ammonium Citrate and Water Soluble Phosphorus Pentaoxide (P2O5)44
Water Soluble Phosphorus Pentaoxide (P2O5)44